This is the first page of our storyboards which contains shots numbered 1-6. While we were drawing this we realised that our shots didn't make much sense so we had to re-draw them in a slightly different order therefore they read shots 1, 2, 4, 6, 3, 5. However they are numbered therefore it's not to hard to read. Once the editing process began we realised that we had run over the 1 minute time limit therefore we had to cut some shots. The shots we cut were numbers 1, 2, 3, and 6 from this sheet. The shots we did use however was a close up of the phone which was also an over the shoulder shot. We also used a medium long shot and pan as he ran towards the door.
The second page also had to have some shots cut because of the time limit and these were a couple of shots were we see the teachers feet walking around the exam. We kept a few in because we thought it was a contrast between the student running and added more tension because it shows time passing by as the student becomes later and later. We did however keep the rest of the shots in, 8, 10 and 12 which showed the student running up and down stairs and corriors. We used a close up of the teachers feet walking and a tracking shot to keep up. While the student was running we mostly used medium long shots. When the student was running down the corridor by media (shot 10) we kept the camera still and showed him running to the end of the corridor. However when he was running up and down the stair we used a pan to show him turning round the corners to run up or down another flight of stairs or go down a corridor.
Also because we exceeded the time limit a lot of the shots from this sheet had to be cut (shots 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18) but although we cut scenes we still made sure that the story made sense. However we did show the student opening the doors and entering the exam room, which is where we used the match on action. We used a medium long shot as he opened the door outside the room and then cut to show him entering the room from inside. We then panned the camera to show him taking his seat.
As mentioned before we were well over the time limit and unfortunatly had to cut and merge these shots together to reduce the time of our sequence. Also we realised while drawing our storyboard that our story didn't make sense so we had to add a few more to make sure people could understand what was happening. This part of the storyboards contains shots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 27, all of which had to be erased from the final film.
This is our final sheet of story board containing the missing shots from the previous sheet, (shots 24, 25 and 26). These shots show the conversation between the student and the teacher about why they were late. We also changed the dialogue we used to reduce time to:
Teacher: Well...?
Student: I'm Sorry
We did this to reduce time, create the tension showing the trouble the student was in. During this sequence we applied the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot to show the reactions and facial expressions of the characters within the scene. To do this we used over the shoulder shots, eye level for both character so we could read their facial expressions. For these shots we also had to change the location due to the location we wanted to use not being free the times we wanted to film.
Laurel Drew
Well done on adding annotation to your storyboard. Take some of the comments and use them to complete the Prelim exercise