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Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Props- Emma Chamberlain

Field Scene:
Old Nokia Mobile- Emma's brother (? After initial planning we decided to use Chris's mobile phone as the screen was clearer an we could see who the person was calling. This was a vital part of the sequence because we wanted the audience to know that the owner of the phone was calling a friend and therefore had their name saved on the phone. This builds characterization. 
Person 1:
Mobile- Laurel
Digital clock-
Glass of water-

Person 2:
Dog lead- We chose not to use a dog in this scene as it would cause complications that where unnecessary. Keeping the scene to just one character walking allows the audience to focus on the character and not on other distracting features such as a dog.
Wedding ring-

Person 3:
Toast  Butter - Chris . The buttering of the toast noise is empathised to make the viewer pay attention to detail.
Knife - Chris
Cutlerly- layed out for 4 people to show that he has a family and they're having breakfast together.
Radio- The radio music is digetic and so it is important we see a radio in the shot.

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