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Tuesday 1 February 2011

Opening Plot - Laurel Drew

Establishing shot of a supposedly empty field. The camera then cuts to a shiny looking object which is a phone but the audience can't see what this is. It then cuts slightly closer to show more of the phone. A cut further close up and the audience can now see what it is. The then close up on the screen of the phone and see that is it's calling Ellen. We then cut to Ellen's bedroom where there is a close up of her phone when it starts ringing. We see her hand hit the phone and answer it. She then gets out of bed and gets ready. We then cut back to the phone who rings Jay. We then cut to Jay walking his dog Bruce. We then cut back to the field where we finally see the phone ringing Simon who is making breakfast for his family. Freya then shouts out 'It's ringing' when his phone rings and then we cut to the title of the film which is 'It's ringing'.

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